"Why did they have to keep changing my story?"
Martin Foreman: playwright
Martin has won several awards as a playwright and director and critical acclaim for his dramas and comedies. These include his one-woman play, Sunset,
J B Priestley's The Rose and Crown and his version of Ben Jonson's Volpone. He also brought to the stage Death on the Lido
(aka Tadzio Speaks), that views the classic story of Death in Venice from the beautiful youth's eyes. Other works include two novels and two short story collections.
Martin directed his adaptation of The Satyricon in Edinburgh in October 2022.
François Nodot: translator
François Nodot (circa 1650 - 1710) was a French munitions supplier and writer. The best known of his works is the fictional supplement he gave to
The Satyricon, published in 1691-1693. His "Traduction entière de Pétrone" was based on a copy of a manuscript bought from a French
army officer, Du Pin / Dupin who had copied the original he found in the house of a Greek merchant in Belgrade in 1688.
The mediocre style, the linguistic improprieties, the dated romance as well as the Gallicisms betray a literary deception and the work of a forger.
Although several contemporary observers denounced the enterprise, citing a mediocre style, linguistic mistakes and Gallicisms, Nodot's
version was accepted by many experts and included - explicitly or implicitly in versions of Petronius' work as recently as the twentieth century. In 1698
Nodot the Histoire de Mélusine, Princess de Lusignan, et her children based on a fourteenth century novel by Jean d'Arras.
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